Friday, May 6, 2011

Blog Reflection #1

1. What grade (and in which school) will you be teaching? Canyon Crest; fifth grade

2. What is your favorite children's book? The "Boxcar Children" series; "Esperanza Rising"

3. If you watch TV, what shows do you most enjoy? Modern Family and The Office

4. What movie affected you enough that you'd be willing to see it again? The King's Speech

5. What are you really good at? basketball; rooting for the Lakers

6. What is a talent you wish you had? to speak a different language, preferably Spanish

7. Tell me your background in sports and/or athletics. I played basketball my entire life (still play in intramurals), played volleyball for 2 years, softball for 9 years, and enjoy tennis (but am not good). I LOVE the Lakers!!

8. Tell me your background in visual arts, dance & drama. Honestly, I don't have any background in any of these things unless you count humanities and creative arts classes I've taken or going to a couple musicals ("Wicked" is my favorite!)

9. What is your musical background? (Lessons? Singing? Instrument? Read music? Enjoy listening to music? What kinds?) I can play basic, simple piano songs and that's about it.

10. What would you be doing this summer, if you were not going to be an intern? I'd be laying out A LOT, as well as going on several vacations to visit my family in CA :) I'd also be working a lot more than I am now.

11. What would you like me to know about you that I haven't asked? I love movie theater popcorn, I just had twin 2 year old siblings adopted into my family last weekend, my husband is going to be a dentist, I HATE looking for skirts/dresses because they are NEVER long enough, I work at the Gap, and I listen to the music video, "Friday" at least once a week.

1 comment:

  1. My favorite answers from your blog posting were in #11 -- all these fun things that make you unique! I'm extremely interested in your new siblings, because my daughter and her husband just decided to adopt, and we are all so excited for them. I really need to see "The King's Speech" -- but when? I know... you know about being too busy to do the things you love. Thanks for sharing! 4 points
