Thursday, May 26, 2011

Blog Reflection #8

A: In chapter 7, Carol acknowledged that it is hard to care. She gives several reasons. Which reason is most validating to you, and why? If you don't really connect to any of Carol's reasons, explain what you believe your "reason" is.
I think the reason that most validates me would be, caring teachers intentionally develop awareness of their students' cultures outside of school. I LOVE learning about other people, especially people that I am with constantly. I like to know what makes somebody who they are. I am so excited to learn each and every one of my students, and if time/budget permits I would love to visit their homes. Knowing a child's home/family explains a lot about them as a person. I also think that when a teacher knows a student, that student is much more likely to trust them.

B: Carol offers two final metaphors, what I call the "McNurlty Metaphor" and the "London Metaphor." Which one do you connect with most, and why?
I'm not exactly sure which metaphor I connect best with, but I think it's the second one, "London Metaphor." I look forward to being one with teaching and getting lost in the act of teaching. I already find myself dreaming about what my classroom is going to be like, and I can't wait to see what it actually is like. The quote I liked the best was, "to allow ourselves to be reshaped by what we do, to become one with it." If we don't do this as teachers, we will hate our jobs. I have a lot of "reshaping" to do, but I'm sure it'll make me love teaching even more.

C: Read one or two blog responses from two or three of your classmates. Then, please give a brief message of encouragement to one of your classmates based on your reaction to their response that you read. Leave your message of encouragement on their blog as a comment (at the end of the particular blog your are responding to). Copy your message of encouragement and paste it into YOUR blog, telling me who you are responding to.
  • Responding to Jordan (blog #4): I also like the idea of a community in the classroom. I can't imagine any other way to have your class come together and become "one." I have heard the book has so many good ideas, please share if you fall in love with any of them!
  • Responding to Debbie (ch4/ch5): Debbie, I really like the part where you talk about teachers making what they teach meaningful to the children. Teaching students with hands-on activities, guest speakers, etc are all really good ways to help students remember material/lessons. I know that the lessons I remember the best are lessons where we did not just read from the textbook.

1 comment:

  1. I've watched you grow and "re-shape" yourself in this quick month we've been together. You're ready. 4 points
